A True Horror Story

A True Horror Story

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At Midnight In A Hospital, Inside A Lift, There Was A Nurse & A Girl.

They Were Passng Through 3rd Floor Which Was A Mortuary. Suddenly The Door Of The Lift Opens.

They Saw A Boy Rushing To Get Inside.

The Nurse Was Frightend & Closed The Lift Imediatly.

The Girl Got Curious & Asked The Nurse: “Are You Okay & Why Did You Do That?”

Nurse (Panting): “I Know Him. He Is One Of Our Patients Who Died Yesterday. Did You See That Red

 Tag On His Wrist. We Put Red Tag On Dead Patients.”

In The Dim Light Of Lift The Girl Suddnly Raised Her Wrist & Askd Smiling: “Do You Mean This Red


And The Lights Went Off

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